Raisin and Spice Oatmeal

Raisin and Spice Oatmeal

I remember when I was six years old, my mother would let me make my own breakfast by handing me a packet of Quaker Oats Raisin and Spice Instant Oatmeal. I'd carefully rip open the packet, pour it into my plastic bowl, and add just the right amount of water to make sure that it would be mushy but not too soupy. Microwave it for a minute or two and presto chango, breakfast was made!

Instant oatmeal is like magic to a kid, but now that I've grown up, my favorite flavor doesn't taste so magical any more. That is, until now. This copy-cat recipes yields an instant oatmeal mix that cooks up in two minutes in the microwave without any nasty chemicals or preservatives. A magician doesn't give away his secrets, but this oatmeal is too delicious for me not to share. You can easily double or triple the ingredients to make extra dry mix for a yummy, healthy breakfast that you can prepare faster than you can say 'Abracadabra!'
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Cook: 2 min
  • Total: 12 min
  • Yields 8 servings
Raisin and Spice Oatmeal

Nutritional Info

Carbs per serving: 52g

From MakeBetterFood.com. . (makebetterfood.com/recipes/raisin-and-spice-oatmeal/).

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